We are results-driven marketers with decades of agency experience across numerous industries including consumer packaged goods, active lifestyle and health/disease-specific.
Our work represents a trifecta based on experience of providing strategic counsel and development coaching to national nonprofits; creating cause marketing campaigns for brands, and activating promotions with retail partners.
Our rich integrated marketing background results in high-impact consumer-facing programs that drive action online, offline, and on the go.
Because here’s one thing we know — no one truly benefits — not the brand, the nonprofit, nor the consumer, unless the nonprofit raise more funds to meet their mission and the brand’s performance is accelerated.
Our clients describe us as a can-doers. We are strategists with enormous heart for this work, creative thinkers and accomplished practitioners who are direct with our opinions and efficient and thorough in our work.
What Freestyle Means to Me
The word freestyle is inherent to how I approach my life and work. I am creative and adaptable. I am nimble and comfortable with change. I like unpacking challenges and looking at them with a fresh eye.
Much like the well-known front crawl stroke, I too am fast, efficient, and competitive. But my strategic prowess transcends way beyond having solid swimming skills. To me the wins in marketing, and life, are rewarded not to those who have the answers to every question. Instead, the glory is found in knowing what questions to ask. What’s more, it’s knowing that just because something worked well once, doesn’t mean it will work well again. Every original piece of art, music and marketing begins with blank piece of paper. When the creator looks at the daunting white space and says: I’m going to try something new this time.
Getting to results in this business requires imaginative thinking. I am comfortable stretching beyond the status quo and the easy solutions. From cooking to parenting to creating marketing campaigns, I follow advice from experts, leverage proven processes and expand upon them with new ideas and solutions. That’s me – that’s my Freestyle Strategy.

Melissa Radin Goldstone
Founder and Principal
I am a twenty-five-year+ veteran of the cause branding field with a broad agency background in consumer marketing communications. With public relations as my launchpad, I was an early player in the cause space in the early 90s as one of the first members in Boston-based Cone Communications’ Cause group. I then served as Principal at PowerPact, a consumer promotion agency, where I spent 10 years as the senior strategist growing and leading its cause practice.
In 2000, I graduated from Babson College Olin School of Business with an MBA. Today, I focus my marketing communications expertise on providing strategic assistance to both companies and nonprofits.
Finally, but not least important, I am personable and my friends and clients tell me I’m a joy to be around (no kidding). I am also extremely expeditious in my work and in my life – with three young girls, a dog, two cats, a love for cooking, hot yoga and running I have to be.